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The Republican Party Platform

We, Vermont Republicans, believe in the principles laid out in our nation's Declaration of Independence that "all men [and women] are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights and that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness - That to secure these rights Governments are instituted among Men [and Women], deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed".

The Republican Party was forged in the fire of the American Civil War, in the fight to emancipate slaves from the South, and live up to the promise of our Constitution. Our first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, gave his life for the cause, as did over two hundred thousand men in the union army.


The Vermont Republican Party opposes racial prejudice and discrimination in America. We see the critical need to support reforms that strengthen the equal enforcement of justice and help law enforcement officers in their appreciated efforts to protect all communities.


Furthermore, the Vermont Republican Party stands in solidarity with all of those who are oppressed and state our belief in the beauty of all life. Our party remains fully committed to ensuring freedom for all; fighting for the right of all Americans to achieve their full potential, unrestrained by unnecessary government intervention.


The Vermont Republican Party embraces the principles of the United States and Vermont Constitutions. Our platform is built on the foundations of those documents.

Click Here to View Vermont GOP Website:  The Vermont Republican Party Website

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